Thursday 16 August 2012

As Free As My Hair

Ohhh my, there's something about beachy/messy/wavy hair that I love. If done right, it's a style that can fit into lots of little boxes:

  • I don't really care how I look (but I still secretly want to look good).
  • I just came from the beach (which is a lie because you live a billion miles inland).
  • I'm a hipster *(can't you tell? Half my wardrobe is from the 90's).
  •  I'm sexy as hell (why else would I be sporting 'bedroom hair').
  • I'm actually a surfer, the only product I use is sea water (Yes, I'm sure).
 *That sounds snarky but it's not, I LOVE the Hipster style. Anything that looks a little anti-establishment has my support.

Monday 30 July 2012

You Make Me Go Curly Around The Edges

I want new hair! That's quite a bizarre statement, but I've always loved big hair. I suppose I struck it lucky considering I have thick hair, and lots of it.. which means that I've only ever backcombed my hair once and that was just to see what would happen. (An afro may have occurred)

Naturally, I've got straight hair.. although really it hasn't been naturally straight since I started secondary school. Currently, it's got a little kink in the middle and the ends are a bit wavy. It doesn't seem to like being put in a 'straight' or 'curly' box. 

Some of my hair loves are:

Trop Rouge

Kristen Stewart
Ashlee Simpson

As you can see, I love the messy/dark/ombre look. I'm starting to think I actually just like anything that's a bit rebelious and would make a granny 'tut'.

Anywho, at the minute my hair currently most resembles K-Stews above. In fact, I'm thinking of forgoing a haircut for the next while and letting it run wild (ergo a kinky/wavy auburn mess).

Saturday 28 July 2012

Lusting after


 I've been in a crazy shopping mood lately, which is quite bad for my bank balance considering I have College and what not to pay for. Still, there's no harm in window shopping and praying for a rich man to come and sweep me off my feet. :)

Sunday 10 June 2012

Inspired: Life's a Goon

"A Visit From The Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egan is a pretty amazing piece of work. - Me.

If you haven't read A Visit From The Goon Squad then you should and if you have read it, who was your favourite character? Mine was Bennie.

In honour of my most favourite novel (for now anyway, who knows what kind of literature the future will bring) I threw together two outfits (one for Sasha, one for Bennie) that I thought of when reading about grungy bands going nowhere, friendships fizzling out and kids growing up into the very people they once despised.

For Sasha, I chose to use some light colours because she does seem to have a happy temperament but her problems and unhappiness drag her down, which is reflected in the darker colours of the outfit. The Gold Wing ring represents Sasha's search for freedom from the life she doesn't want to lead. I love the 'Once Upon A Time' watch from Asos, and it also fits with the title of the book (and one of the themes too).

Bennie is a middle-aged guy who longs for his rock & roll youth. To the outside person he doesn't care much about how he looks but it's one of the things that plagues his thoughts. That's why I chose an unusual mix of patterns that can give the impression you just threw this on last minute but each item together makes for a youthful/beachy outfit with a bit of a rock & roll edge. Exactly what Bennie is looking for :) 

* The album on the front of the Rolling Stones shirt is "Exile on Main Street". A pretty awesome album by the way.

Hope you're having a sunny day...

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